I'm just holding on for tonight.


【和訳】Ever After Story / Marianas Trench


Marianas Trenchの3rdアルバム、Ever Afterの楽曲と共に公開されていた物語。英文は歌詞カードからそのまま転載。曲タイトルとストーリーの順番も歌詞カード通りに載せてます。このアルバムは1曲目から最後まで途切れなく全曲が繋がっていて、アルバム全体で一つの物語を表現している。

所々意訳を含むし誤訳もあるかもなのでストーリーの把握程度に読んでくれると嬉しいです。私は何の権利も持たないので、これを読んだらぜひ彼らのアルバムを通して聴いてください。ちなみにMVはリリース順がアルバムと違って何故かストーリーもHaven't Had Enough → Fallout → Desperate Measures → Stutter → By Nowの順なので注意。(タイトル横に番号振っておいた) 

Ever After

 Once upon a time, I awoke in a strange place. I had no idea how I'd come to be there. Bewildered, I stood on a cliff, overlooking a giant land, with a large factory in the distance. The factory looked dark and foreboding, an ominous presence in what looked to be a once beautiful countryside.
 "It was mine, once," said a voice behind me. I turned around to see a strange man. A toy. He looked raggedy and forlorn. What once was shiny and new, was now a forgotten and broken old man. He told me he used to be the King, but now lived as an outcast, overthrown by the heartless Queen Carolina. Carolina has stolen the heart of the king's adopted daughter, Porcelain. She locked Porcelain's heart away in a toy box and cast her out of the kingdom. Now, Carolina lived in the tower atop of the factory, where she continuously created more toys, soldiers for her army. No one had seen Porcelain for a very long time. The outcast King told me how to get home. In the factory tower, there was a toy box. Inside where all the things Carolina had stolen, including the entrance to my home. But I would need the key. The key was split into halves and the person that held half of the key, was Porcelain. I would need to find her, get into the factory thrown room, and unlock the box. I set off, in search of the lost princess, and a way home.



「Ever After」Marianas Trench - Ever After [Official Audio] - YouTube

「Haven't Had Enough」①


「By Now」⑤



 I dreamed I was asleep. Carolina came to me in the night. I couldn't quite make out what she looked like, her form changed from second to second, but she radiated power. She asked me to join her. No one would have to know, it would be our dirty little secret. I could have everything I'd ever wanted, but I would never go home again. The factory would be my new home, and I could be her new King. Although I considered it, I turned her away and she vanished. I awoke in a forest clearing, in the dead of night. At the base of a giant tree, stood a young girl. Not a toy, but a person. A lost warrior, beautiful and dangerous. I had found Porcelain.



「Truth or Dare」Marianas Trench - Truth Or Dare [Official Audio] - YouTube

「Desperate Measures」③


「Porcelain」Marianas Trench - Porcelain [Official Audio] - YouTube


 She wore a half key around her neck, like a pendant. I asked Porcelain why she wasn't a toy like everyone else. She didn't know. She couldn't remember anything of her life before her heart had been stolen, and had felt empty ever since. The queen's toy soldiers roamed the countryside, stealing everybody's hearts, and locked them away. With all the toys in Toyland feeling the apathy of heartlessness, No one would stand up to her.
 I told Porcelain my tale, and explained what we must do. She agreed and told me that first we must find the Stuttering Wise Man. The one creature in Toyland who still had a heart, and the other half of the key. We had to find him, before the Toy Soldiers found us.







「Toy Soldiers」Marianas Trench - Toy Soldiers [Official Audio] - YouTube


 The Stuttering Wise Man lived in a secret cave. Brother to the Outcast King, he had once been the Prince. He looked a little warn, but still had a glow about him. He still had a heart, and a guilty memory. He told us that Porcelain was from the same place as me. She had shown up as a lost child, and had been adopted by the king. The prince had know Carolina once, too. She had seduced him to get into the royal family. She had told him what he wanted to hear. But as soon as they were married, it all changed.
She stole young Porcelain's heart first, and it broke the heart of the king. In his frail state, he was too weak to fight her. The prince and the king both fled, seeking safety in hiding.



「B Team」Marianas Trench - B Team [Official Audio] - YouTube

「So Soon」Marianas Trench - So Soon [Official Audio] - YouTube



 The prince showed us the secret entrance to the factory. All toys were born there. We snuck down to the basement, to the fiery forges. There were hundreds of toys. They were working on a giant assembly line, assembling new soldiers. Numb soldiers who are born without hearts at all. Stolen, before they were ever born. We stood on a podium, overlooking the factory floor. We pleaded with the toys to join us. If we worked together, we could overthrow the queen and everyone would get their heart back.
 We urged them to face the music when it's dire. Slowly, their were murmurs of rebellion. With our own army, we marched into the courtyard. A giant chessboard. We stood on one side, and the queen's army, ready for us, stood on the other side with a thousand royal guards. We were outnumbered, but we only needed to buy enough time to sneak into the tower and open the toy box.
 The Outcast King led the charge into battle. Alone, The Stuttering Prince, Porcelain, and I snuck up to the tower.



「No Place Like Home」Marianas Trench - No Place Like Home [Official Audio] - YouTube



 The queen was waiting for us at the toy box. She came at me. I couldn't hold her off. As she reached hungrily at my chest, Porcelain and the prince unlocked the toy box. I was blinded in a wash of light. From the courtyard, we heard joyous screaming. When my eye focused, I saw Porcelain, now powerful, standing over the queen, sword drawn. The Stuttering prince lay motionless. The other half of the key had been his own heart. He had sacrificed himself to free the hearts of everyone else. Porcelain picked up the queen and threw her from the tower window and into the courtyard below. She was overwhelmed by a sea of angry toys. The king, no longer an outcast, retook the throne. Porcelain and I returned home but found, after everything, it no longer felt like home. We chose to return to Toy Land where we lived happily ever after.
~The End~


~The End~





曲もこのストーリーをなぞりつつ、また彼自身について歌ってもいる。各曲の和訳はまた時間が出来た時に。でもMVがある曲は他の方の翻訳を見たことある… とにかく楽曲が主役なので!曲を!アルバムを聴いてくれ!!!


